
Capsule with Water-dispersive Q10

The Best Researched Q10 Easily Dispersible in Water

The active ingredient in Sol-Q10 is based on the best-studied Q10 (Kaneka Q10) using a world-leading dispersion technology (PetroEuroAsia). The result: the best-researched Q10 easily dispersible in water.

Improving Absorption: a Fundamental Task for Q10 Supplements

Q10 beneficial health effects are backed by more than 60 years of clinical research and by thousands of published studies

The absorption of regular Q10 in our body is only 3-10%. In order to get the full benefit of Q10 particular health benefits, we need to improve its absorption. It is not the oral intake, but the absorption that matters. 

The absorption mechanism of lipophilic Q10 shows that water-dispersive Q10 is essential. Water-dispersive Q10 has superior absorption versus the industry-standard softgel oilbased and versus generic crystalline Q10 powder capsules.

Published studies support the simple concept that optimal Q10 absorption needs a dilution effect. Ideally, Q10 should be spread out over the epithelium as much as possible. Divided dosages of Q10 cause a larger increase in serum levels of Q10 than a single dose. 1 Q10 enriched olive oil has 2-3 times higher absorption vs oil-based soft gel.

What is Needed for a Modern Water-dispersible Q10?

The Best Studied Q10 (KanekaQ10)

  • the only Q10 supported by published safety studies;
  • the only Q10 produced by  fermentation technology;
    100% bioidentical form of trans Q10 (Q10 of highest purity, free of synthetic cis isomer);
  • GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status;
  • pharmaceutical quality
Kaneka Q10_logo

KanekaQ10 is a registered trademark of Kaneka Corporation.

A State-of-the-art Dispersion Technology (PetroEuroAsia)

 The managenent of the Japanese company PetroEuroAsia (PEA) has 30 years of experience in the field of emulsifiers, advanced drug formulation technology and quality Q10 manufacturing. One of its leading products is SP40 (water-dispersible Q10 at the highest concentration of 40%).

40SP is water-dispersible powder  manufactured from water-insoluble coenzyme Q10 using state-of-the-art emulsifying and powdering technology.


A 40SP a japán PetroEuroAsia vállalat terméke. 

Q10, Absorption and the Unstirred Water Layer

The key factor in the absorption of fat-soluble substances is the unstirred water layer

Q10 is a fat-soluble nutrient. Before uptake into the enterocytes, lipid nutrients must pass a diffusion barrier, the unstirred water layer. This is the water layer covering the mucosa, where the intestinal flow rate is essentially zero. The unstirred water layer is rate-limiting for intestinal uptake of lipids from micellar solutions.  1

Lipophilic nutrients cross the Unstirred Water Layer (UWL) barrier in our small intestine

Our body absorbs short-chain fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids easily without the micellation step. However, the more lipophilic the nutrient, the more critical to help bile acids in this micellation step. Micella is a structure of non-ionic surfactants in the form of a surfactant microsphere, which attracts and encapsulates the fat-soluble substances as a magnet.

Q10 has the longest chain length of common lipophilic nutrients. It is extremely poorly watersoluble and as a result, it is poorly absorbed. Our intestines absorb 3-10% of regular Q10, therefore Q10 needs some support. This can be done by increasing its water solubility. Bile acids cooperate in synergy with solubilized Q10 for improved absorption.  

A State-of-the-art Dispersion Technology: PetroEuroAsia

Q10 manufacturers (especially Kaneka) have been looking for the best technology for enhanced absorption and stabilization of Q10 for many years. Kaneka has found the solution in Japan at PetroEuroAsia (PEA). Kaneka markets its own dietary supplement product based on PetroEuroAsia technology in Japan.

What makes the Active ingredient in Sol-Q10 Special?

The best researched Q10 Easily Dispersible in Water

  • the best stabilized  water-dispersible Q10 powder formulation in the world;
  • the purest and best researched Q10 + state-of-the-art solubilization technology (KanekaQ10 + PEA);
  • PEA: 30 years of experience in emulsifiers and quality Q10 manufacturing;
  • KanekaQ10: the only Q10 produced with fermentation technology, pharmaceutical grade, 100% bio-identical trans Q10 form, GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status;
  • excellent absorption;
  • non-GMO, allergen free, all natural / vegetable / vegan origin;
  • made in Japan;
  • third generation (state-of-the-art) water-dispersible Q10 with the highest Q10 concentration (40%)

The active ingredient in Sol-Q10 is 40SP from PetroEuroAsia (Japan) – water-dispersible Q10 based on Kaneka Q10.

Who Should Take Q10?

  •  decreased Q10 synthesis
    •  middle-aged and elderly people (  people aged 50+  produce significantly less Q10 )
    • especially recommended for the elderly to improve general health
    • lack of conditions necessary for the synthesis of Q10 from diet;
    •  strictly vegetarian diet;
    • impaired synthesis of Q10 due to generic or dietary reason
  • People with increased demand for Q10
    •  increased physical and mental stress
    •  active people: athletes, business people, students
  • cardiovascular or other chronic diseases (resulting in significant Q10 deficiency)
  • add-on therapy to statins (lowering not only cholesterol but also Q10 levels) or chemotherapy
A Q10 szint csöken az életkorrral

25% loss of Q10 significantly impairs functions in human body, 75% loss is life-threatening.

Taurine: the Wonder Molecule

A taurin a tudósok  szerint “fő táplálkozási tényező, amelynek a japánok a hosszú életüket köszönhetik”  Óvja szív- és érrendszeri egészségünket, javítja az  inzulinérzékenységet, kedvező hatást gyakorol  szervezetünk elektrolit egyensúlyára, javítja a hallást és az immunmodulációt. Jótékony hatásai annyira széles körűek és vitathatatlanok, hogy a kutatók egyenesen “csodamolekulaként” emlegetik.

A taurin főbb hatásmechanizmusai  (antioxidálás,  energiatermelés, neuromoduláció) hasonlóságot mutatnak a Q10 hatásmechanizmusaihoz.  A két anyag kombinációjának szinergista (összeadódó) hatásait.több területen mutatták ki. 

  • Increases the action of insulin, improving glucose tolerance, and acting as an antioxidant.
  • Vital for the proper function of  potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium
  • Regulates heart rhythm, cardiac contraction, blood pressure, platelet aggregation, and excitability of neurons.
  • Detoxifies liver cells of various toxins.
  • Helps form bile acids and maintains cell membrane stability.
  • Reduces the synthesis of lipids and cholesterol that are associated with atherosclerosis.

Drugs containing taurine have been approved for the treatment of congestive heart failure in Japan and Russia.

Ingredients in Sol-Q10

Active ingredients in one capsule:

  • 100 mg of water-dispersible Q10 (of which 40 mg Q10);
  • 370 mg taurine (pharmaceutical quality);
  • 1.8 mg vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride);
  • 0.7 mg  vitamin B1 (as thiamine mononitrate).


30 capsules.


One capsule per day.


  1. Singh R et al. Effect on absorption and oxidative stress of different oral Coenzyme Q10 dosages and intake strategy in healthy men. BioFactors  , 219-224, 2005;
  2. Bruge F et al.Olive oil supplemented with Coenzyme Q10: Effect on plasma and lipoprotein oxidative status. BioFactors Vol. 38, Issue3, 249-256, 2012